If you are looking for an unforgettable nightclub in Oxford Circus, then Scandal London is the place you want to be. Opening in the Summer of 2017, in the venue that once hosted Project Club London, the Scandal club was an almost instant hit. Despite its insinuating name, Scandal is all but scandalous. It definitely has some edge to it, but it is also brimming with class and sophistication, and you will need to bring your best dress and behaviour to its doors.
Found on this page is all the necessary info for Scandal Club Entry Price.
Get in to the Scandal Club Guestlist, as Scandal Club does not take any more than 330 lucky souls to party the evening and take their own cocktails to poison them all throughout the night while grooving to some of London’s wildest DJ mixes.
Just a friendly and early tip – it is not going to be easy. Make sure you have read the Scandal Club Bottle Price Menu to have an idea on how much your night out is going to cost. This coupled with the Scandal Club Entry Price should be on your budget.
The Scandal Club Dress Code is one of the top priorities you should slay. This being said, for women, make sure you are dressed better than everybody else, wear your heels, spray your perfume, swipe your mascara and lipstick, and you should all be good to go. For men, wear a nice pants, put on your most classy top, and your most elegant shoes.
ID cards to prove you are over the age of 21 is a must.
What is the Scandal London Entry Price?
Ladies can get in for free before 11PM but after that, everybody – ladies and gentlemen are required to pay £20 regardless, as long as you can make it to the Scandal Club Guestlist. Although refusal at the door is upon Scandal’s discretion.
Scandal Club Table Bookings is also set in place so you can reserve early. For more information on the Scandal Club Entry Price, check out our pages. You can also drop us a line for more inquiries.
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If you are looking for an unforgettable nightclub in Oxford Circus, then Scandal London is the place you want to be. Opening in the Summer of 2017, in the venue that once hosted Project Club London, the Scandal club was an almost instant hit. Despite its insinuating name, Scandal is all but scandalous. It definitely has some edge to it, but it is also brimming with class and sophistication, and you will need to bring your best dress and behaviour to its doors.