Mahiki Kensington Age

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Mahiki Kensington Age Restrictions

Mahiki Kensington offers to its guests a whole new concept of a more grown-up “all-day” version of Mahiki! If the night is not enough for you, they offer you a full day of amazing experience! Watch out as this experience is only for the lucky ones who are at least 21 years old.

Mahiki Kensington London

In the heart of Kensington you will have the chance to enjoy the Polynesian spirit of Mahiki Kensington, of course if you respect the Mahiki Kensington Age criterion. Join Mahiki Kensington for an ultimate party and unique nightlife experience! Today, tomorrow, every day!

Mahiki Kensington Dresscode

Check out Mahiki Kensington’s Facebook Page

Mahiki Kensington is open and we are here to guarantee you have an amazing time! Contact London Night Guide to find out more on Mahiki Kensington Guestlist, Mahiki Kensington Table Booking, Mahiki Kensington Dress code and Mahiki Kensington Age.

Let’s party “all day” Mahiki Kensington style!

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